Is it advisable for cats to consume cow's milk?

  • Adult cats are often lactose intolerant, which can cause diarrhea and discomfort.
  • Cow's milk is not dangerous in small quantities, but it is not essential or recommended.
  • There are alternatives such as lactose-free milk for cats or fermented dairy products that are safer.
  • Kittens need mother's milk or formula during their first weeks of life.

Cat drinking milk

In cartoons where cats are the main characters, they are often shown as true lovers of milk. This food seems to always be within reach of our furry friends in these stories. However, the question arises: Is it really good for cats to drink milk? Can it cause health problems?

The reality is that, just like humans, not all cats react the same way to drinking milk. Some may enjoy it without any issues, while others may experience digestive discomfort. In this article, we'll break down in detail whether or not you can give your cat cow's milk and explore all the alternatives available.

Why do cats not always tolerate milk?


Cats are mammals, which means they drink their mother's milk during the early stages of their life. This milk is rich in essential nutrients that help them develop a strong immune system and grow properly. However, after weaning, their bodies undergo significant changes.

Among these changes is the reduction or elimination of the enzyme lactase, essential for breaking down the lactose, the sugar present in milk. What happens if an adult cat consumes milk without producing enough lactase? Generally, you may experience side effects such as:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Stomachache.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Flatulence and bloating.

Is cow's milk dangerous for cats?

Cow's milk for cats

Cow's milk is not poisonous for cats, but it is not an essential or advisable food for their diet. Although it is not immediately life-threatening, it can cause significant digestive discomfort in those who are lactose intolerant.

If you want to know if your cat tolerates milk, try offering a small amount and observe their reaction over the next 24-48 hours. If you notice diarrhea or any other adverse symptoms, it is best to eliminate it completely from their diet. If in doubt, always consult your veterinarian.

Alternatives to traditional milk

If your cat shows interest in milk but doesn't tolerate it well, don't worry. There are several safe options available today that you can consider:

  • Lactose-free milk for cats: It is a modified version of regular milk, specifically designed to be more digestible.
  • Infant formula: Ideal for orphaned kittens that need this food in their first weeks of life.
  • Fermented dairy products such as natural yogurt or kefir: These contain less lactose than milk and can be enjoyed by some cats in moderation. Be sure to avoid artificial sweeteners and additives.

Why do some cats seem to love milk?

Many cats are attracted to milk because of its high fat content and characteristic aroma, making it an irresistible food for them. However, Your palate does not necessarily translate into it being a healthy food. Remember that cats are strict carnivores and need foods rich in animal proteins to meet their nutritional needs.

What's happening to the kittens?

Kitten drinking milk

Nursing kittens need their mother's milk, as it contains all the nutrients necessary for their proper development. If the kitten is orphaned or the mother is unable to nurse, you can use formula formulated specifically for cats.

Kittens are very restless by nature
Related article:
My cat does not have milk for her cats, what do I do?

On the other hand, you should never offer cow's milk, goat's milk or any other animal milk that is not specifically for kittens, as these can cause severe diarrhea and dehydration.

Lactose intolerance versus milk allergy

It is important not to confuse the intolerance with the milk allergy. While lactose intolerance affects the digestive system, causing symptoms such as diarrhea or vomiting, a allergy involves the immune system. In this case, milk can trigger symptoms such as:

  • Itching and hives.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Cough or heart problems.

If you suspect your cat has a food allergy, consult your veterinarian immediately.

Is cow's milk good for cats?

Do cats need milk in their diet?

The short answer is no. Cats do not need milk to stay healthy. A balanced diet rich in quality protein is sufficient to cover their nutritional requirements. If you decide to offer milk or milk products, remember to do so in small quantities and always under supervision.

The only truly essential drink for cats is water. Make sure your pet always has access to fresh, clean water.

Tolerance to milk varies from cat to cat, and while some cats may be able to drink it without any issues, for most cats it is neither necessary nor appropriate. Knowing your cat's specific nutritional needs and providing a balanced diet is the best way to ensure their well-being. If in doubt, always consult a veterinarian.

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