Do you think cats have a good memory? Sure you do, right? Although remembering something does not necessarily mean that they always have to behave that way; In other words, no matter how many tricks we teach them, they will only do it if they want to. In this sense, they are very different from dogs, which constantly try to please us.
Felines know well which situations to avoid and which ones not because, like elephants, they have excellent memory.
The memories of cats are closely linked to the senses they use the most, which are sight, smell and sound. To get a clearer idea, let's imagine, for example, a furry man who sees a can of wet food for the first time. At first, you will not pay the slightest attention to it ... until we open it, which will produce a characteristic sound. And then you will start working your nose. It will be then when he knows that this food is very special, so he will meow insistently for us to fill his feeder with it.
From that day on I can assure you that we will have the cat by our side every time we open a can, even if it's not for him. But do you only remember positive things?
The truth is that no. If you have a bad experience with something, be it with a dog or even a person, you will always try to get as far away from them as possible. This is seen when someone (has two legs or four legs) is stalking or overwhelming a feline. The animal hides under tables or chairs so that it does not reach it, something that is completely logical.
You should never treat a cat like this, or anyone else. The basis of a good friendship must be built with respect, otherwise the cat will never be happy.
Feline memory is very good, so we must make sure that it always remembers positive things, and not negative ones.