How to help a scared kitten
The cat is a very sensitive animal that can be frightened by many things. Come in and we'll tell you how to help a scared kitten to be calm.
The cat is a very sensitive animal that can be frightened by many things. Come in and we'll tell you how to help a scared kitten to be calm.
What are the mistakes that are made when training a cat? Enter and we will solve the doubt so that your friend can lead a happy life.
Are you wondering how to know if my cat loves me? If so, do not think twice and enter to know your answer. Learn how he shows you that he appreciates you.
If you are planning to adopt a domestic feline, come in and we will tell you when to take a kitten to the vet to take care of its health.
Are you wondering why my cat meows at night and what can you do to sleep peacefully? Come in and follow our advice.
The natural instinct of cats is a set of unlearned behaviors that make these animals mysterious and elegant beings.
It is often thought of as an independent animal, but the impact of neglect on the cat can be much greater than we might imagine.
We explain how to call a cat to come to you whenever necessary. Follow our advice and you will see how soon you will get results;).
Stray cat fighting is a problem in cities and towns around the world. What can be done to avoid them? We will tell you. Enters.
Your furry is lost and you are wondering where to look for my cat? If so, come in and we will help you find it. Much encouragement.
Enter and discover how to keep cats out of the garden with remedies that are not toxic to them or your family.
The cat needs to be able to go to a corner if it feels stressed. But what has to be in it? Come in and we'll tell you how to decorate the cat's room.
Wizapet is a free mobile application that allows you to find your lost cat or help a found one to return together with its family.
We give you a series of tips that will help you know how to choose a scratching post for cats and thus avoid destroying your furniture.
Do you have doubts about how to catch a cat? If so, come in and we will tell you how you should handle him according to his age so as not to harm him.
Would you like to know how to make my cat hiss? Although the snort is part of your body language, sometimes you may need help.
Giving a cat a pill can be a very difficult task, but don't worry: come in and we'll tell you how to medicate a cat without scratching or biting you.
Have you ever wondered what cats play at? Gambling is a very important activity for them, but how do they play? And because?
Does your furry not stop still for a moment? Take it easy .. Come in and we'll explain how to calm a hyperactive cat so it can sleep through the night.
Do you have a rebellious cat and you don't know what to do to make it calm? Enter and we will give you several tips to improve your coexistence.
If you want to take your friend with you everywhere you will need a cat harness that is comfortable and resistant. Enter and discover our selection, you will love it.
Today vitamins for cats are very fashionable, but are they really necessary? What are they for exactly? Come in and protect your friend.
If you are thinking of increasing the family and you do not know what type of food to give, come in and we will tell you what are the advantages of wet cat food.
Have you come across a hairy guy who is underweight? If so, come in. We explain how to feed a malnourished cat to regain its health.
The Tiffany cat is a medium-sized furry with a calm character who loves to be with his family. Come in and get to know it.
What are the habits of cats? Why do they do the things they do? If you want to know more about the behavior of these animals, enter.
Do you have a hairy guy and do you think he has the making of an actor? If so, come in and we'll tell you how to make your cat famous.
Would you like to know how much love a cat needs? Although each one is unique and unrepeatable, they all need the same thing: respect, trust ... and affection.
We tell you how to improve the cat's environment, with many tips and suggestions so that coexistence is pleasant and happy for everyone.
As temperatures drop, our furry can have a hard time. To avoid this, we tell you how to know if a kitten is cold.
Have you ever wondered why cats are more independent than dogs? If so, enter to know the answer. It will surprise you.
Have you ever wondered if cats have feelings? If so, do not hesitate to enter to know the answer. It sure surprises you;).
Are you worried about your furry because it is leaving marks around the house? Would you like to know why my cat scratches? If so, do not hesitate and enter.
When the temperatures drop our friend can have a bad time. To avoid this, we tell you how to take care of a kitten in winter.
We tell you how to adopt cats in Spain, so that you can find your new best furry friend as soon as possible. Enters.
Would you like to know how to relate to a cat so that it is happy throughout its life? If so, you have come to the right place. Enters.
It is an animal that has a very special character, but sometimes it can surprise us a lot. But how do you reward him? Enter and discover how to reward a cat.
We tell you how to prepare the house for the arrival of a cat so that you can have an unforgettable coexistence from the first day.
The Figaro cat is an animated character from one of the Disney classics: Pinocchio. Although it not only appeared in it, but we could see it in other shorts.
The California Spangled cat is a beautiful cheetah-like feline that loves to be in the company of people. Get to know it.
These are animals that become excellent friends for everyone, especially the little ones. Find out what cats bring to children.
Although they are well cared for, it sometimes happens that cats leave home for no apparent reason. Enter and find out why the cats are leaving.
Has your friend not been living a normal life for a few days? Do you wonder why my cat is sad and how can I help him? If so, come in.
Are you wondering why my cat behaves like a dog? If so, enter that we will answer this your question :).
Do you have a fat cat and would you like to know how to help it lose weight? Come in and take note of our tips to be happy again.
The Savannah cat is a hybrid feline that, with its 11kg of weight, its intelligence and its desire to be with a family, is an animal capable of surprising you.
We will tell you why cats pant, since it is a behavior that is not normal for them and you have to know how to act if they do.
Your cat spends so much time grooming that it may end up feeling discomfort to its stomach. Help him with the cat malt. Enter to know more.
It is often thought that it is a lonely and independent animal, but the reality can be very different. Discover how to love a cat in the best way.
We tell you how to protect the cat from fireworks so that it can be calm while they are being used.
Are you wondering how to know the age of my kitten? Enter and we will help you know how long ago your furry was born.
It is the most difficult question that those of us who live with a furry will ask ourselves at some point: when to euthanize a cat. Come in and we will help you.
Diaphragmatic hernia is a very serious problem that can put your cat's life at risk. Know what its symptoms and its treatment are.
Would you like to know how to help stray cats? If so, come in and take note of the tips we give you to make life easier for them.
We tell you how long a cat's heat lasts, and the phases it goes through. Enter and learn more about one of the stages in the life of felines.
What do I do if my cat bites me? We solve one of the most frequent doubts of humans who live with a feline for the first time.
The tabby cat is the most common of all, the one that has that sweet look capable of making you fall in love, and the one that also has iron health. Get to know it.
Meet Snoopy, the Chinese cat that is causing a sensation on the Internet with his sweet and tender look capable of making you fall in love as soon as you see him.
Feline mycoplasma is a disease that can be fatal to the cat if it is not treated in time. Enter and find out what its symptoms are.
Have you just adopted a feline and would you like to know what are the serious diseases in cats? If so, come in and we will also tell you how to treat them.
Can the cat eat homemade food? Or is it dangerous for health? We solve these doubts and we will also tell you what foods you cannot give them.
The behavior of cats attracts our attention, since they are animals that we have not yet finished knowing. Enter to find out what his character is.
How many times have you wondered why my cat ignores me? Many, right? Enter and we will tell you why it has this curious behavior.
Does your cat lick and bite its back and / or its tail obsessively? If so, you may have hyperesthesia. Find out what it is and how it is treated.
We tell you about the diseases of kittens, so you can be attentive to any symptoms that your little friend presents, and you can help him.
Distemper in cats is a highly contagious disease among felines that can be fatal to them. Enter to find out how it affects them and how it is treated.
If your cat does not use his bathroom, you should pay attention to him, as he could have problems. Find out why my cat doesn't relieve himself on the sand.
Our cat will sometimes go through delicate moments. Find out what to do when a cat has a fever so that it recovers as soon as possible.
Do you urgently need to know how to make the cat not mark? Don't think twice and take note of our advice to solve this problem. Enters.
Have you ever wondered why the cat wags its tail? This is a very important part of the body for him. Find out what she wants to tell us with her.
Looking for ways to eliminate parasites that affect your little ones? Stop searching. We tell you how to deworm kittens in the safest way. Enters.
How did cats conquer the world? That is a question we often ask ourselves. Now, at last, we have a surprising answer.
Find out when to start bathing a cat, and how you can accomplish this task without making it unpleasant.
The cat is an excellent friend. But do you know how to care for a common European cat? If the answer is negative, don't worry. We will tell you. Enters.
Are you planning to acquire a new feline and would you like to know how to avoid cat fights? If so, you have come to the right place. Enters!
What do I do if my baby cat does not drink water? Water is an essential food for life, so we will help you learn to drink it.
Sometimes our furry behaves in a way that we do not like very much. Find out why my cat attacks me and what to do to stop it from happening again.
We tell you how to choose a carrier for my cat so that you can travel quietly with your best four-legged friend.
Did you think it was an animal that couldn't learn any tricks? Let us surprise you. Find out what can be taught to a cat.
Why does my cat have snot? In this article we solve your doubt so that your friend can recover as soon as possible.
Domestic cats are mischievous, and they know well how to win our hearts or surprise us. Discover some of the most curious cat records.
Would you like to know why my cat has dandruff and how to treat it so that his coat is healthy and shiny again? Enter and we will reveal your doubts.
Is your furry having a hard time? Do you have vomiting, loss of appetite, and trouble using your litter box? Enter to find out what to do if my cat is constipated.
What do I do if my cat has an allergy to pipettes? What alternatives do I have so that I do not have fleas or ticks? Enter and discover how to protect your friend.
Are you thinking of living with a domestic cat? Enter to find out what is the care of a cat so that your life together is very happy.
Is the cat an omnivore? Enter to know the answer to one of the most asked questions by cat lovers.
Lykoi are a new breed of cat that is very reminiscent of 'werewolves', which is why they are called werewolf cats. Enter to meet them.
Looking for a fun, active and slightly naughty furry? If so, the Siamese is for you. We tell you how to take care of a Siamese cat.
We tell you how to put a baby cat to sleep, with practical advice so that your little one can fall asleep as quickly as possible.
Are you experiencing a difficult situation with your furry friend and would you like to know why my cat is brutally attacking me? Quiet. Enter and we will help you;).
Would you like to know how long it takes a cat to adapt to a house? Enter and we will also tell you how you can help him to be happy.
Your furry is angry but you should take him to the vet? Step inside to find out how to approach a nervous cat safely.
Are you wondering what to do if my cat has fleas? Enter to know how to eliminate the ones that bother you and you can say goodbye to them forever.
Why is my cat active at night? ¿Do you question some time? Well, here is the answer, enter and discover it.
Do you suspect that your friend is not well? Are you wondering why my cat sneezes? Enter and we will tell you its possible causes and its treatment.
Do you think cats are affected by heat? That is a question that we have all asked ourselves at times, and the answer to which you will find here. Enters.
We tell you all about feline marking: what pheromones are and what they are for, the problems they can cause, how to solve them and much more.
Have you found some newborn kittens and you don't know how to take care of them? Don't worry: we help you to raise baby kittens.
Are you wondering why my kitty has diarrhea? This is a symptom that can be very serious. Enter and we will tell you the possible causes and their solutions.
Would you like to know why cats lift their tails when petted? This is, without a doubt, a very curious behavior that we explain here. Enters.
Have you noticed that your friend doesn't eat much during the summer months? Come in and we will tell you why my cat eats little in summer.
We tell you 3 important benefits of having a cat at home. Find out why having a feline in your life is a good idea.
Did you find a lump for your friend? If so, it is likely a hernia. We tell you what to do if my cat has an umbilical hernia.
Thinking of increasing your furry family? If so, come in and follow our advice so that everything runs smoothly. Find out how to have multiple cats.
We will tell you how cats live in the street: the dangers they have to face, what their day-to-day is like, and also, what you can do to make them live longer.
Would you like to know how to act if the cat suffers a fit of rage? Enter and we will tell you everything you need to know if your furry reacts that way.
Would you like to know if cats can be recognized in the mirror? That is one of the most incredible curiosities of them. Enter and know the answer.
Do you suspect that something is wrong with your friend? Do you wonder why my cat sleeps a lot if he is healthy? Come in and find out why he spends so many hours sleeping.
Would you like to know how to teach my cat not to bite? Come in and we will also tell you how you can play with it to prevent it from biting you.
There are several myths about feline spaying and neutering, but are they true? In this article we review them one by one so that you have no doubts.
Indispensable advice if you have a cat. Every cat owner should take them into account
Would you like to know at what age cats can be separated from their mother? Log in to find out when is the best time to put them up for adoption.
Do you think cats have a good memory? In this article we will give you the answer to one of the most asked questions by cat lovers.
Many myths about cats have been told over the years. But are they true? In this article we review 5 of the most common.
Do you think you know everything about the furry that is lounging on your couch? Let us surprise you: discover the incredible history of domestic cats.
Has your furry dog been giving off a bad smell for a while? That may be a symptom of something happening to you. Enter to know what to do.
Your cat will go through different stages throughout its life, all very different from each other. Feed him in the best possible way.
Would you like to know how to live with a cat allergy? Enter and follow our tips that will help you enjoy the company of these felines.
Do you want to let your furry go outside but are worried that something will happen to him? Come in and we'll tell you how to keep the cat close to home.
Cats communicate with humans through their meows, but how do we know what they are telling us? Enter to find out why my cat meows so much.
Does your furry not stop still all day? Are you wondering what to do if my cat is hyperactive? Let us advise you to improve coexistence.
We want to give our friends the best, but do we really know what cats eat every day? Are we feeding them well?
We tell you 5 things that cats hate about humans. Avoid them and you will see how you will get to be their best friend. Promised;).
There are many of us who have ever wondered what to do if my cat does not want to eat croquettes. Follow these tips so you don't get hungry.
Has your dog woke up with a cut or scratch? Enter and we will tell you how to heal wounds in cats so that they can recover as soon as possible.
Do you think your cat is frustrated? Come in and we will help you understand frustration in cats, and what to do to prevent them from feeling this way.
Humans have used punishments for cats to try to discipline them, but is it any use? How can these furry be educated?
We will tell you how to know if my cat is bored, and what you should do to get him back on track soon. Don't let it continue like this.
We tell you how to gain the trust of a cat so that you become part of its select group of special friends. Enters.
Are you thinking of acquiring a feline and would you like to know what the behavior of the domestic cat is like? Enter and we will solve your doubt.
Have you seen movies about cats? Not? Enter and we will tell you 3 that you cannot miss. Spend an entertaining time with them in the company of your furry.
Thinking of raising cats? Enter and we will explain how to be a professional cat breeder, with tips so that you do not take any unnecessary risk.
Nosebleeds in cats are a common problem in cats, especially if they go outside. Come in and we'll tell you why they can bleed from the nose.
Why is the cat the best therapy for children? He knows how to help them feel useful and happy. Enter and discover the benefits of cat therapy.
The cat is a very adaptable animal, capable of living in apartments, in feline cafes, in cities ... Can it be the pet of the future?
We tell you how to take care of a blind cat, giving you tips and tricks so that your furry can lead a normal life and be happy.
How to get your friend's hair clean again? Picking the best cat shampoo, of course. Enter and we will tell you how to do it.
Are you worried about the health of your furry friend's eyes? Has a dull spot appeared on them? Come in and we'll tell you all about cataracts in cats.
We explain in detail why my cat eats plastic, an unnatural behavior that must be addressed as soon as possible to avoid problems.
Cats and children have very different ways of playing. How can they become friends? Come in and we will tell you everything.
Hip dysplasia in cats is not very common but it is very painful that prevents them from leading a normal life. Enter and we will tell you everything about this problem.
What are the most common cat eye diseases? Can they be prevented in any way? Enter and we will solve all your doubts.
Do you think you know everything about the furry one who is sleeping peacefully on the couch? Enter and be amazed by 10 incredible curiosities about cats.
Didn't your friend just do his business right? Do you feel discomfort when you go to your litter box? Enter and we will tell you how to treat constipation in cats.
How many times have you met a furry man who followed you? Have you ever wondered what to do with it? Come in and we'll tell you how to take care of an abandoned cat.
Are you planning to travel but are worried about your cat? If you wonder what to do with my cat on vacation, come in and we will help you find the answer.
We tell you how to choose the collar for my cat so that you can choose the one that interests you the most and the one that best suits your four-legged friend.
Has your cat been feeling very stressed lately? Have you started scratching the furniture or marking with urine? Use Feliway, and you'll see how it calms down.
We recommend 9 toys for cats. There is for all tastes and colors! Have a great time seeing how your friend enjoys.
Tabby cats are those that have a coat that reminds us a lot of that of the tiger. But what are its characteristics? What types are there? Enters.
Would you like to increase the family but you don't know which breed of cat is the most suitable for you? Enter and we will help you find it.
The American Shorthair cat is an animal in excellent health. In addition, he is affectionate, intelligent and a bit mischievous. Would you like to meet him? Enters.
Would you like to have a furry that you could hold with one hand? Enter and meet the main breeds of miniature cats. You will love them.
The Ragdoll cat is a charming and docile animal capable of becoming the ideal companion just by looking at you. Enter and know all the secrets of this breed.
Looking for a large, furry animal that is also independent while still being affectionate? Meet the Norwegian forest cats. They will surprise you.
Do you like the gray cat? Don't miss our special about them. Enter to know what are the breeds of gray cats and what name you can give them.
The Egyptian cat was the first to come into contact with humans, 10 years ago. Since then he has not separated from them. Find out more about this breed.
Looking for a calm animal that loves to be petted day and night? Enter and discover what the Persian cat is like, a breed that you will love.
Are you planning to increase the family and are you looking for a calm animal that likes children? Enter and discover what the Chartreux cat is like. You'll love it.
It is one of the breeds that likes to spend the most time with your family, from which you will not want to separate. Enter to find out what a Siberian cat looks like.
Is it the first time that you live with a furry one and you do not know how to interpret the body language of cats? Do not worry. Come in and we will help you.
We tell you all about the Persian cat: behavior, character, care, life expectancy, curiosities and much more. We also give you a free eBook!
It is a very affectionate animal that enjoys being with the family. It is the ideal furry, with which you are going to enjoy. Find out how to care for a British cat.
New breeds in development are a challenge for breeders because not all of them are recognized. Find out which breeds are not popular.
The Sabana cat is a new breed in which the wild features of its ancestors are preserved, where its great particularity is its enormous beauty.
What to do if my cat limps? Take note of the tips to know how to act in these cases in which the animal feels pain. Why are you limping?
Looking for large cat breeds? We introduce you to the heavyweights of the domestic feline world. Enter and let yourself fall in love with the giant cats.
There is a difference in terms of the American wirehaired cat compared to the shorthair cat, and it is none other than its hair since it is rougher and harder.
The Burmese race has Burmese origins, but currently it has evolved to the point of being two different races. Do you want to know how they have evolved?
Currently, the eastern shorthair cat breed that became popular in the early 60s is crossed only with the Siamese cat.
The domestic lynx and the poodle cat are two of the newer cat breeds that have been developed. They are races that are the result of a cross between other breeds of cats.
There are several reasons why a feline may have excessive salivation. If you wonder why my cat drools a lot, here we will explain them all.
Find out how you can make your own cat litter with our step-by-step tutorial and save money making it yourself.
If your cat needs to wear an Elizabethan collar, we will teach you how to make a homemade one and how to make your cat not try to take it off later.
Does your cat have conjunctivitis or an eye problem? Find out the reason for his illness and how to treat it correctly so that it will heal soon.
Discover the reasons why a cat can stand up or get angry, what is it? How can you make your cat happier? We tell you about it here.
When we decide to have a feline, one of the questions we ask ourselves is whether we want a cat or a cat. We are going to tell you the differences in their behavior
The character of a cat is marked by its hair color, do you know how a cat will behave based on its color? We discover this secret to you
What is the third eyelid in cats? Is it bad for the animal to have this nictitating membrane? Find out all about this curiosity that affects your eyes.
The British black and white bicolor cat is the best known combination, one of the most popular breeds for its temperament. Know everything about this cat
If you want to live with a small feline without having to worry, go in and discover which cats shed less hair. You are sure to love them.
Have you just found a furry baby and don't know what to do? Enter to learn how to bottle feed an abandoned kitten.
Having more than two cats can be a wonderful experience, but problems can arise. Thanks to patience and love, everyone will get along.
Feline conjunctivitis is a problem that can be a symptom or the disease itself. We tell you all about her in this article.
Bad smell in cats
How to prevent your cat from damaging your plants?
Large Cat Breeds
How to help your Lactating Cat? II
Does My Cat Suffer From Stomach Ulcers?