The teenage cat can be a bit rebellious

Behavior of the adolescent feline

The adolescent cat has a peculiar character: it can be rebellious, restless and / or nervous. At this crucial stage in your life, it is best to remain calm.

One month old kittens grow fast

How to care for a month-old cat

The furry needs a series of attentions to be able to grow up healthy. If you have found a baby kitten, enter and discover how to take care of a one-month-old cat.

Deworm your cat on a regular basis

How often to deworm my cat

In the middle of parasite season, you have to know how often to deworm my cat. In the market you will find several products, but how often do you use them?

Siamese cat

Sudden behavior changes in cats

Sudden behavior changes in cats are an occasional problem, but one of great concern to caregivers. We tell you why they occur.

Baby kitten

Can newborn cats be touched?

There is nothing sweeter than seeing a cat with her young. But can newborns be touched? Enter to know how to avoid unforeseen events.

Baby kitten

How to make my baby cat stop crying

In the middle of the breeding season, it is likely that one of them will end up orphaned, and find you. If you wonder how to make my baby cat stop crying, come in.


How should a cat be punished?

Punishing a cat should not imply mistreatment of the animal, as this will not achieve anything positive. Only understanding the cat will solve the problem.

Kittens are very restless by nature

Birth control in cats

Why is birth control important for cats? If you have questions, do not hesitate to enter and also know how you can do it.

scared little cat

How to care for a 4 month old cat?

How to care for a 4 month old cat? If you have just adopted one or your furry is going to reach that age, come in and we will tell you how to take care of him so that he is happy.

Young kitten staring

What to do with a stray kitten?

What to do with a stray kitten? If we find one who has lost a mother, what steps should we take to help him? Come in and find out.


How to be a cat breeder

Thinking of raising cats? Enter and we will explain how to be a professional cat breeder, with tips so that you do not take any unnecessary risk.

British cat

How to care for a British cat

It is a very affectionate animal that enjoys being with the family. It is the ideal furry, with which you are going to enjoy. Find out how to care for a British cat.


Have more than two cats?

Having more than two cats can be a wonderful experience, but problems can arise. Thanks to patience and love, everyone will get along.