The best sources for cats

Give a cat fountain to your friend

The felines that we have at home are animals that do not usually drink a lot of water, as they are originally from hot deserts. This is not a problem if they eat natural food, but when it is not, it is normal for their health to weaken. One way to avoid this is by buying them cat fonts.

And it is that, unlike traditional drinkers, the water is in continuous movement, which stimulates the furry ones to drink. So do not hesitate to choose from the best of our list and give them to your four-legged friends.

Selection of sources for cats

HoneyGuaridan W25

View of the HoneyGuaridan Fountain for Cats

It is a very interesting fountain, with a capacity of 3 liters. You can put it in any of the three modes it incorporates:

  • infrared: when the sensor it carries detects the cat at a distance of 1,5 meters, it will start up,
  • continuous: maintains the water supply 24 hours,
  • intermittent: the water will circulate for 1 hour and then turn off for 30 minutes.

What's more, it is very easy to disassemble and clean following the instructions, as it also has a replaceable carbon filter that absorbs impurities and bad odor.

If we talk about its consumption, it is only a maximum of 2,6 kWh per month, so you will hardly notice it on your electricity bill  .

What are you waiting to get it? It costs 38,85 euros. click this article


Dadypet Cat Font View

It is a fountain-type drinker with a capacity for 2 liters of water that incorporates three different modes of water circulation: smooth flow, bubbly or calm. It is very easy to clean (what's more, you can do it with a dishwasher, except for the electrical parts and the pump obviously) and it is free of BPA, which is an organic compound that is harmful to living beings.

It has a very elegant design, with a light weight that will allow you to take it anywhere, thus making your cat drink more water.

Its price is € 46,17. Do you want to buy it? Press No products found..


View of the PEDY Automatic Drinker

It is a type of automatic drinker with a built-in carbon filter that has a very, very nice design: in the shape of a daisy. The green, yellow and white colors make them a font that, apart from being very practical for the feline, will make the room where it is look even better.

Likewise, It has 3 modes:

  • waterfall: the water flow is smooth,
  • bubbly: the water comes out with soft bubbles,
  • tap: a stream of water comes out, similar to a tap.

It is easy to clean and, what is also important: inexpensive. Its price is € 19,99, and you can buy it No products found..

Petsafe Drinkwell

Buy a fountain for cats to prevent the furry from having health problems

It is a fountain for cats beautiful and easy to maintain that has an anti-splash ramp, which reduces or reduces the splashing of the water when it falls. So it is, also, very clean in that sense, something that your furry will undoubtedly love.

Flow control is adjustable, and the carbon filter is, of course, replaceable. So getting the animal to drink the amount of water it needs will be almost like a cakewalk.

Do you want to know its price? € 44,99. Get it now.

CatIt Fresh & Clear

View of the Catit drinking fountain

It is an automatic drinker with an exceptional design. It is made of stainless steel, which is great to know as it means that it is easy to clean, removing without a trace the spots that may be created.

The only thing that is necessary to bear in mind is that it must be filled with water without reaching the edge of the small notch, since otherwise there would be leaks. But otherwise very good value for money.

For only € 38,98 you can have it at home. You want it? Well, do not hesitate: click.


View of the Navaris cat fountain

This is probably the excellent quality fountain type drinker that is relatively low priced (or at the very least, much more affordable). It has a capacity of 2 liters, a pump, charcoal filter, power supply and finally an instruction manual.

The flow is adjustable, being able to choose between several modes that go from the most intense to the softest. What's more, it is quite simple to disassemble and wash, being able to be done with water and dishwasher without complications.

Also, you can get it blue (like the one in the image above) this article or in green by this article. Its price is € 22,90.


The Hurrise cat drinker is very economical

The Hurrise waterer is pretty and practical. It has its carbon filter, 3 adjustable modes (flow, bubble and source) and, in addition, its power consumption is very, very low: 2W. The cat will surely be delighted to be able to drink water from it, since, within its price range, it is one of the quietest there is.

Its structure is simple, but it is made with resistant materials, easy to always keep clean. The price it has is really attractive: for € 26,99 it can be yours.

What are you waiting to buy it? Do not think about it anymore, click on this link.

How to choose a cat fountain

If you are thinking of acquiring a fountain for cats, it is normal to have many doubts, because although maintenance is relatively simple, it is more complicated than that required by traditional waterers. In addition, we must not forget about the drawbacks, because although there are few there are ... there are.

To make it easier for you to make a decision, here is a buying guide that I hope you find useful  .

Learn how to choose a font for your cat

  • Consumption: of course. Nobody likes to get surprises at the end of the month, and less with electricity bills. So it is very important to look at what power it has and how much it consumes. The less it is, the better.
  • Deposit: this will depend on the number of cats you have at home and their weight. Think that if they are healthy and adults they should drink between 50 and 100ml per kilo of weight; that is to say, if they weigh for example 5kg they should ingest between 250 and 500ml each. Therefore, if you have many furry ones, you will have to buy a fountain with a large tank, and if you only live with one with a medium weight, a smaller one will do.
  • NoiseCats are very quiet animals that do not like noise. For the purchase to be successful, you must look for a source that is silent.
  • Maintenance: Although all fountains usually come with their instruction manual, it is highly recommended to look for those that are easy to disassemble and clean, like the ones we have selected for you  .
  • Price: you need to look for one that is good value for money. Not all expensive cat supplies are good, nor are all cheap cat supplies bad. So that there is no room for unforeseen events or unpleasant surprises, spend some time reading the files for each one and, above all, looking for and reading opinions from buyers. In this way, you will ensure that what you buy is exactly what you see.

What inconveniences do you have?

Well, it has a few, but this guide would be complete if I did not tell you about them.

  • Cable- Cats love to play with anything that is light and can move, and cables are no exception. To avoid problems, it is very important to put a cable cover that they sell in hardware stores.
  • Maintenance time: it does not take the same time to clean a traditional drinker, which takes at most a minute, than an automatic one, which you have to disassemble before.

Is a cat fountain worth buying? My personal opinion

Cat fountains are a good invention

No doubt yeah. Fountains for cats are, for me, the best invention that they have been able to create, especially for those of us who live with felines who have a hard time drinking from the trough. I myself can tell you that one of my cats, Sasha, is an animal that hardly ever drank from the traditional trough (and when it did, it was with the trough freshly washed and refilled), but instead, I was very aware of the taps to see if water comes out of them.

Since we got the fountain, she drinks more and seems happier even  . So I highly recommend getting one if your cat is one of those that drinks little or nothing. You will notice the difference, I assure you.

And by the way, which font did you like the most? 

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