If you live with a cat and / or female cat and you do not intend to breed it, it is best to take it to be spayed or neutered. You might think that there is no risk of unwanted litters as it does not leave the house. That is a very logical reasoning, but ... what if it slips out of it by mistake? It is always better to prevent.
Although the cat can be given contraceptive pills sold in veterinary clinics, their prolonged use is contraindicated since they increase the risk of uterine and breast cancer, and pyometra. So I'm going to tell you what are the benefits of sterilizing my cat.
Before starting, I think it is convenient to first explain what spaying and neutering is.
- Sterilization: It is an operation that consists of tying the fallopian tubes in females, and in removing the vas deferens from the sexual organs in males. With this intervention, the cats continue to have heat.
- Castration: the ovaries are removed in the case of females, and the testes in the case of males. After the intervention, the animals will not be in heat again.
Knowing this, let's see what are the benefits of sterilizing a cat.
They get rid of unwanted litters
Cats can have heat two-three times a year, and get pregnant those two-three times. After each pregnancy, one to fifteen kittens will be born, which would be three to 45 a year. Of those little ones, the vast majority will end up living on the street, where they will have to rummage through the garbage to find some food and live in terrible conditions, especially if they are in a city.
In addition, although there are people who are dedicated to taking care of them, do not expect them to try to solve a problem that we could have eliminated simply taking our cat to be sterilized.
The cat's lifestyle changes
With sterilization, cats undergo a series of changes that are very positive both for themselves and for their human family.
- Urine marking is reduced.
- You don't have as much need to go outside.
- The risk of developing reproductive tract infections is decreased.
- The risk of cancer is reduced.
- It becomes calmer.
- It will not meow as much at night during heat.
There are still many today myths about feline spaying and neutering, but if we do not want and / or cannot take care of the kittens, it is the best solution.