Cats have an extraordinary ability to stay -almost always calm and relaxed. When you look at them, it seems that they are simply observing the landscape, thinking only of the present moment. We, on the other hand, turn around the past, the present and above all the future constantly which ends up taking its toll on us.
Today stress, anxiety and depression are the diseases of the century. Fortunately, we can do several things to reduce the risk of suffering from them, among others enjoy practicing yoga with cats.
This new practice, which emerged after the cat cafes, It began to be practiced in Asia at the end of the 90s, and little by little it is spreading to the rest of the world. And, when these animals wake up, the first thing they do is stretch all the muscles of your body well, including those on the back to keep them in shape. In doing so, they adopt a very curious posture. Posture that humans have given the name of Bidalasana or Cat Posture and that we can imitate to lead a calmer life.
It is done as follows:
- The first thing you have to do is get "on all fours" on the floor: with your hands and knees acting as "legs." The knees must be below the hips, and the arms must be straight. You have to look towards the ground, keeping your head in a central position.
- Now, breathe out and arch your spine up a little. The head should fall a little, but without being forced.
- Then inhale and return to the normal "all fours" position. Inhale and exhale deeply each time you change position. Do it as many times as necessary until you notice your back relaxed.
Benefits of doing yoga with cats
Doing yoga helps to stretch all the muscles of the body at the same time that a state of relaxation is achieved ideal to continue with our day to day. But if we also do it with cats, these benefits are even better. There's a study that reveals that owning a cat reduces the risk of dying from a heart attack by up to 30%.
And of course we also have to talk about the purr. Another study notes that purring helps reduce stress and blood pressure. Cats can produce vibrations of between 20 and 140 Hertz when they emit this sound, a frequency beneficial for a wide variety of diseases.
So, do you dare to do yoga with your furry?