How to avoid neighbor complaints for cat nuisance

Cat looking out the window

If you are a follower of the blog, it is probably because you love cats, and you may even live with one. If you also let it go outside or are planning to do so, It is very important that you take into account a series of things so that the neighbors do not complain.

Although we do not mind that another feline sneaks into the house, not everyone thinks the same. Therefore, I am going to explain to you how to avoid neighbor complaints for cat nuisance. In this way, both you and your furry can be calm.

Why can they report you?

Prevent your neighbors from reporting you for annoyances caused by your cat in the field

The cat is a very curious animal. If you are free to go for a walk, you will most likely leave home. Once outside, we will not be able to control where it goes (unless we put a GPS collar on it, of course), we do not even know what time it will return, but we can get an idea if we keep in mind the innate curiosity that this animal has .

This curiosity will lead him to explore everything that he considers to be part of his territory, which can be more or less wide depending on whether it is neutered or not (a neutered cat does not usually go more than 400m from home, while a whole cat is capable of traveling the odd kilometer or two) and if there is a large population feline in the area (there are cats that, even though they are neutered, if they feel very overwhelmed they move further from their home).

Thus, we can sense that he will go to the neighbors' gardens, that he may even enter their houses, or that he will fight with the odd cat. All of this can be grounds for complaint. Complaint that can end in a financial penalty of up to 150 euros.

But we don't have to worry, not excessively. There are several measures we can take to avoid being reported.

How to avoid neighbor complaints for cat nuisance?

Identify your friend

Identify your cat with a collar and tag to avoid complaints

A cat that wears a collar with an identification tag does not usually receive the same treatment as one that does not wear anything. In general, the one who is not wearing anything can easily be mistaken for a stray cat, and can receive treatment that is not always good; On the other hand, if you wear a necklace and also a plaque with your phone number, people tend to have more respect and care with it.

Besides that, they are two very, very useful accessories in case the animal gets lost. We also do not have to forget to put the microchip (from 2 months of age), since this way we can show that this cat really is ours.

Neutering the cat

I know, I am very repetitive. In many of the blog articles we have talked about how important it is castrate him so you don't have unwanted litters. But besides that, It is the most recommended to also avoid fights between cats and escapes. I'm not going to lie to you: these last ones cannot be avoided 100%, but 90% is better than nothing  .

A neutered cat is an animal that will live much calmer, that will not have any need to go in search of a mate and that, therefore, will not go far from home or fight with other cats (Not for the couple, at least). In addition, in the case of the cat, it will no longer meow when in heat, meows that can be very annoying for both the family and the neighbors.

When to castrate him? I recommend doing it before the first heat, that is, at 5-6 months. If we want to do it later, we risk that the male cat develops the behavior of marking the house with urine, or that the cat goes out and becomes pregnant.

Prevent him from leaving home

All cats have the right to return home each day

If we live in a very populated area, for example in a city, the most sensible thing is not to let it go out. There are so many dangers out there, and for sure if we gave him permission to go for a ride, his life expectancy would be shortened quite a bit. What to do then? You have to adapt the house to the cat.

We have to buy one or more scratchers and put them in different areas of the home, place shelves at different heights, and above all and most importantly, play with he. We must dedicate time to it, because a bored cat can quickly turn into a depressed cat, and then its health could be at risk. Likewise, if we have a patio or balcony and we would like it to take in the air, it is extremely necessary to place an effective and high barrier - the more, the better - that we will find in pet stores.

Securing the cat

To be completely safe and calm, we can take out insurance. Said sure covers any damage or damage that the animal may cause to third parties. It is, therefore, especially interesting if we live in a house that adjoins an area inhabited by third parties.

To be able to hire it, the insurance companies ask that the furry be identified with a microchip and also have the updated vaccination record. The price ranges between 50 and 200 euros per year.

What do I do if the neighbor's cat bothers me?

Cat pawing a human

In Spain and in other countries of the world a cruel and illegal practice is poisoning. As a cat sitter, I understand that yowling or housebreaking may annoy some people, but ending the life of that cat is NOT the solution. In the specific case of Spain, it is considered animal abuse and can be reported.

If your neighbor has a cat that is causing you problems, Talk to him. Show him if you want this article, it will surely be very helpful, but do not poison his friend. How would you feel if your dog or another loved one was poisoned simply because someone was upset? No, obviously people and cats or dogs are not the same, but they have something in common: they can all be members of the same family. Think about this before making any decisions. Everyone has the right to life, and that cat has the right to be able to return to his family every day.

I hope this article has been useful to you, both to avoid complaints from neighbors and to make you feel the need to put them.

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      Silvia said

    Hello, my neighbor has 25 cats, I am tired of that every time I have a window they are inside my house, scratch the armchair and eat things within their reach, I have talked to her but she ignores me