Abuse in cats

Abuse in cats is something that should disappear

Generally, I like to combine feline health items with curiosity items; even whenever I can because I like to talk about topics that can make us smile. But this would not be a complete blog if it did not also talk about mistreatment in cats.

And it is that, in the same way in which I try to report on, for example, the health of this animal, it is also important that we spend a little while remembering that the mistreatment of a cat (or dog, or horse, or ... etc.) it is prohibited by law. If you want to know how to help a feline victim of this scourge, then I will tell you everything you can do for her.

What is abuse?

Animal abuse is a scourge of society

Abuse is the violent behavior that causes physical or moral harm. There are four types in the case of cats:

  • Physical: hit him, kick him ...
  • Verbal: yell at him. Remember that the cat's ear is highly developed: is able to hear the sound of a mouse from 7 meters away.
  • Bullying: for example, cornering him in a corner and leaving no way of escape.
  • Neglect him: keep it at home and do not give it to eat, or drink, or take it to the vet when you need it, or play with it, or anything.

We should all be clear that any of these things do a lot, a lot of damage to the animal.

Why do they mistreat them?

For any of us, who love our felines and want the best for them, it is very difficult for us to find the answer to that question, even some of us may be convinced that there is no reason to mistreat cats. And it's true, there is no rational or ethical reason to justify this action.

But humans are complex beings. And there are some who are excessively sensitive, who do not know how to control their impulses or, well, who do not care about anything or anyone.

I insist, it is very difficult for me to find out what are the causes of mistreatment towards cats, since I am not a psychologist or psychiatrist. Only one person who has been taking care of these felines for a long time. But wow, I'll try:

  • That person was abused as a child. It is known that the children of abusers tend to imitate the behaviors of their parents once they are adults.
  • His parents never told him that he should treat animals well.
  • He had parents who neglected him.
  • You use drugs that make you violent.
  • He has transformed his fear of cats into disgust and rage.

How to know if we have adopted a battered cat?

Now we are going to focus on the present and the future of that cat that we just adopted. The shelter or shelter may have already told us his story, but if not ... how can we know whether or not he has been mistreated? What will we have to look at?

  • He will be very reserved. From the first day he gets home, we will see that he is very elusive, that he hides in any corner as soon as he sees us pick up the broom or mop, or that he trembles when he feels cornered.
  • If we accidentally drop something on the floor and it makes a lot of noise, it is able to get under the bed, behind the sofa cushions or under the blankets.
  • He is very aware of windows and doors, as if waiting for the slightest opportunity to leave the house.
  • You may be very afraid of a specific type of person (boy or girl, woman or man).

What to do to help you?

The cat that has been abused can be very elusive

If we suspect that he has been abused, we will have to do everything in our power to regain happiness (or begin to feel it, if he never has been). The first and most important thing is keep doors and windows closed, both for your safety and for our peace of mind. It is also not a good idea to let him go out to the balcony, because in any stressful situation he could forget where he is and fall into the void.

The next step is ensure that the atmosphere at home is calm. This means that you do not have to play music at full volume (in fact, the ideal is not to play it), explain to the children that they have to be very respectful with the cat and, of course, not force the furry to do anything that he does not want .

Now it's time to earn your trust. How? With treats and cans of wet food. You have to win him over through his stomach! That's the best. Of course, we will only do it when we see that he is calmer, since a cat that feels very tense will not want to eat, but run away. Therefore, we will take advantage of those moments when he seems calmer, when he does not snort or growl, to offer him food. We should not wait for him to come out and eat; in fact, most likely he will not do it the first few times. But little by little we will see improvement. 

Likewise, we must invite him to play, with balls, ropes or stuffed animals. With this we can see that it is harder for him to get closer, but it is all a matter of patience.

For more information I recommend reading this article.

And so far nothing else. If we see that the cat has problems adapting to its new home, we can put 10 drops of the rescue remedy (from Bach's Flowers) in its food -wet- every day, and consult with a feline therapist who works positively.

From Noti Gatos, we say a firm and resounding NO to animal abuse.

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      Guadalupe Zuniga said

    I am very interesting your articles since I just adopted one. 2 month old kitten and they are helping me a lot

         Monica sanchez said

      We are glad that they are of help to you 🙂
      Enjoy the little one!

      Unknow said

    It is mistreatment if my mother pours water on a kitten that does nothing? It is that a few days ago, a cat came to my house, and only comes to sleep in my garage, and my mother goes and pours water on it, and says that the next time he will pour hot water on it or poison it, the truth is, I don't agree, the cat doesn't cause a nuisance, but my mother wants to run it off.

         Monica sanchez said


      There are other ways to kick them out, like running after them until they leave the house or garden, or making a loud noise.

      By the way, I don't know what country you are from, but in many cases, poisoning animals is a crime. Be careful, I'm not telling you for anything in particular; just so you keep that in mind, okay?

      A hug 🙂

         Jennifer said

      Well, very interesting, I adopted a kitten a long year ago, she was mistreated, her offspring died under a long process so that she would feel confident again at the beginning, she remained hidden and never forced her to come out of her hiding place and today I can tell that she comes out more often as she goes to the bathroom. He sleeps in bed and we are still in the process of allowing him to concentrate

           Monica sanchez said

        Hi Jennifer.

        Slowly. Patience and respect in the end only bring good things when it comes to cats. 🙂

        Congratulations anyway for having already reached that point, in which the kitten is already calmer.


             Lucas said

          Hello Monica, visit this blog because I have a kitten and I am aware that my form of discipline often becomes aggressive. I spend a lot of time with her, we play a lot, we sleep together, and whenever I have I give her delicious things to eat. The problem is that regardless of how much I love her, I am a mentally unstable jerk, and when she does things like scatter trash all over the room or smash dishes when I'm sleeping for example, I tend to lose control and grab her by the skin. leftover from behind and squeeze it so that it hurts to pull it out. I am aware of the nefariousness of my behavior, and while I try to progress in order to be a better person, (a process that I am really doing well, but I lack time), I would like to know what is the most effective way to be able to discipline her without make her have such a hard time. I await your response thank you very much.

           Bach said

        Throw them out for the simple fact of sleeping in the garage? That behavior seems miserable to me

      Feline City website said

    Ignorance is daring and it worries enough that unscrupulous people are capable of harming a living being without consequences.

    It is necessary that in all countries it is legally regulated and actions are taken by the authorities to reduce these types of scenarios.

    We who are dedicated to the care and dissemination of information about the world of cats must be one of the first lines of defense by informing to try to fight the cancer of ignorance.

    Thank you very much for your article, you contribute to making a better world.

      moratino snows said

    Make yourself look at your problem quickly, but don't let the cat pay the consequences of your mental state, it seems so unfair to me, what is the animal's fault for your problem? And if you are acknowledging it, do not have pets, companion animals deserve all our love, respect and well-being, he would do it for you, do not have pets as long as you are not diagnosed and treated