When we are going to adopt an animal, before taking it home, they will make us sign an adoption contract. This document has legal validity and will be very useful, both to the adopter and to the animal shelter that until now was taking care of the furry one. But, What exactly?
If you have questions about this topic and don't want any surprises, I'll try to answer them all below .
The adoption contract is a legal and binding documentary that both the protector and the adopter sign at the time the animal is adopted. It expresses the agreements that have been reached, such as:
- Adoption fees that the adopter must pay
- Animal health status
- Commitments of the adopter, such as delivering the animal if he cannot take care of it, notify if he changes his address and take good care of him
It is therefore a very important document, since what is expected is that the animal will end up in good hands and not in those that are not. In this way, it is avoided that it ends up being abandoned or used for other non-permitted purposes, such as breeding.
Anyway, For it to be really valid, all the data of the protector must be included (CIF; registered office, association registration number), the ID of the adopter as well as his address, plus both parties must sign it. Likewise, it is recommended that together with the contract a veterinary report or vaccination card is delivered that certifies the health status of the animal.
Still, we can take our new friend home and take care of him as he deserves. Of course, we have to know that if we mistreat it, neglect it or do not castrate it within the prescribed period, the protector has the legal right to recover the animal.
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