What do I do if I find orphaned kittens?

Kittens in box

We live in a world where, unfortunately, there are very few people who like cats and even fewer who, although they may love them, do not take good enough care of them. Due to this situation, there are many kittens that end up in the streets, abandoned. Some of them are so baby that, exposed to the cold in the street and hunger, they do not even have a chance to survive.

That is why volunteers are very important. Without them, far fewer lives would be saved than are saved today. If you are one of them or, simply, you have met orphaned kittens and you do not know what to do, then I will explain everything you need to know.

Give them heat

It is the first and most necessary thing to do. They have to be taken off the street and taken to a place where they are protected from the cold, because hypothermia can be fatal for kittens. If possible, take them home and put a blanket on them; If not, contact an animal shelter or veterinarian so that they can take care of it.

Feed them

If they are very babies, that is, if their eyes are closed or they are open but they are bluish in color, they will need to drink milk for kittens with a bottle; If they are older, you can give them ham or cooked meat as the first meal, but as soon as you can you should go buy wet food for kittens (cans).

They should eat every 3-4 hoursdepending on age (the more babies, the more often they should eat). Also, if they are very young, they will need you to stimulate the anus-genital area with a gauze moistened in warm water after each meal to relieve themselves. You have more information this article.

Deworm them

The safest thing is that they have internal and external parasites, so it is advisable to deworm them. If they are less than two months old, the vet can give you a syrup to eliminate the internals; On the other hand, if they are two months or more, you can put the Stronghold pipette for kittens on them - worth about 10 euros - so that the kittens can get rid of both the worms and the external parasites.

Decide what to do with them

This is the last step. What are you going to do with them? Do you want and can you take charge? Would you rather find a new home for them? Regardless of the decision you make, I recommend that you take your time, think about it well. Analyze the pros and cons of each option you have, check the state of your financial situation, talk to your family. All this will help you make a really good decision.

Covered kittens

I hope it has been useful to you. 

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      Melany said

    Hello, I have two cute kittens and they won't stop crying. I already feed them and the few of us warm up but they won't stop crying. And they don't let us sleep. The mother died and one more kitten too. We do not know what to do.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Melany.
      What kind of milk do you give him? They cannot drink cow's milk, since it has lactose (it is a type of sugar) it usually causes damage to the stomach. I recommend you give them milk for kittens that you will find in the nurseries, or make this mixture:

      -150 ml of whole milk
      -50 ml water
      -50 ml natural yogurt
      -Raw egg yolk (without any white)
      -A teaspoon of heavy cream

      They have to eat every 2-3 hours. Likewise, 10-15 minutes after having eaten, you have to stimulate the ano-genital area with a gauze moistened in warm water, since they do not know how to relieve themselves.

      If they do not improve, it is best to take them to the vet.

      Greetings and encouragement.