Cats are animals that, more than once in their lives, can have Intestinal worms. However, these parasites will often go unnoticed, since they will not cause symptoms and therefore, the felines will not feel bad (or at least, not apparently), but at other times the damage is such that the visit to the vet will not be recommended, but necessary.
But How can we know that our furry ones have? And what can we do to avoid them? I'm going to talk to you about all this and much more below.
What are the intestinal parasites that cats have?
Intestinal parasites or intestinal worms are beings that infest all cats at some point in their lives, especially if they are stray or have access to the outside. For this reason, it is important to know what they are in order to take action:
- Ascaris: its scientific name is toxocara cati. They are round worms, 4 to 8cm long. The eggs they produce are very resistant, so much so that they can live up to 3 years in the environment until they are ingested by a cat or, also, by people.
As if that were not enough, they pass from mothers to children. - Hookworms: its scientific name is Ancylostoma tubaeforme. They are round worms up to 1cm long that are spread by ingestion of eggs or larvae.
- Hydatidosis: of the species Echinococcus granulosus o Echinococcus multilocularis. They are parasites that do not usually cause serious diseases in cats, but they do affect people causing the formation of cysts in organs.
They are more common in rural areas, where animals are often fed leftovers or natural food, specifically raw offal from sheep and goats. - You had: of the species Canine dipylidium y taenia taeniaeformis. They are flat, similar to white rice grains. The first is spread after ingestion of fleas and lice, and the second by ingestion of rodents and rabbits. They do not usually cause disease.
Which cats are most vulnerable?
Actually, they all are. But it is true that there are some groups at higher risk to which we must pay special attention:
Even if they stay with the mother for the time necessary to drink her first milk (during the first 3 days of life), and are cared for by her for a long time (minimum 2 months), intestinal parasites can enter her body quickly if her mother has, especially if they are abroad.
Elderly cats
Having a weakened immune system, it cannot keep parasites at bay and it is normal for them to fall ill.
Sick or malnourished cats
Regardless of age, if cats do not receive the care they need, such as their vaccinations, antiparasitic treatments, food and water daily, etc., their defenses will not be able to do anything against intestinal worms.
How do I know if my cat has pinworms?
To know if our furry have worms, we have to look at whether you have any of these symptoms:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Swollen abdomen (especially in kittens born to stray cats it is very common)
- Ravenous appetite, or on the contrary, lack of it
- Little growth
- Dull and dry hair
- Remains of worms between the fur of the anal area, and in the areas where they spend time
My cat has worms, what do I do?
Discovering that your four-legged friend has intestinal parasites is not news that you like, especially considering that there are some that can affect humans. But there is nothing to be alarmed about, since by taking a series of measures everything will return to normal:
Find out what type of parasite it is
This step is very important so that you are calmer, especially if there are small children or babies at home. So don't hesitate to ask your vet to do an analysis and tell you what you're up against.
In the event that it is transmitted to people, it will be advisable to keep small humans away from the animal until it improves.
Treat it with an antiparasitic
It is a medicine that the veterinarian will give you, either a pill, syrup or a pipette that acts so much against external parasites (fleas, ticks), as internal, such as Stronghold for cats. Generally, you will need to repeat the treatment once a month or every three months.
In the case that it is a kitten, if you are in Spain, the most likely thing is that they will give you a syrup called Telmin Unidia, which you will have to give it three days in a row and repeat a week or so.
If there is more than one cat at home, it will be time to treat them all.
Thoroughly clean the house
Wash the clothes and beds that have had contact with the cat with hot water, and also use water in these conditions to scrub the floor (you can also add a few drops of dishwasher) and clean the furniture.
Give him love
Keep taking care of it as before. Give him love and company, make sure he is comfortable and happy. It does not matter if you have parasites or not (only if they were contagious you would have to be careful, but this rarely happens). And yes, of course, wash your hands before and after touching it, but don't have it abandoned in a corner or it will most likely make it even worse.
Home remedies for intestinal parasites in cats
If you want to try home remedies, and as long as your cat is an adult, you can give it:
- Garlic: It has antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasitic and antifungal properties. Mix a small tablespoon of minced garlic with your food, twice a day for 15 days.
- Pumpkin seeds: they are mild but effective laxatives. Mix a tablespoon of ground seeds with food for a week.
- Thyme: it is antiseptic. Take several leaves, crush them to powder, and then add a tablespoon to their food once a day for several days.
Another option is to fast with apple cider vinegar. When the body does not have to expend energy for digestion, it detoxifies better. Therefore, adding two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your water will help you eliminate parasites.
Prevention of pinworms in cats
What can be done so that our furry do not have parasites is deworming them from time to time (The vet will tell us the recommended frequency depending on whether the animals go outside or not, age, and health).
In addition, it is important to ensure that they live in optimal hygiene conditions, as well as always having the trough and trough full, the first with quality food (without grains or by-products) and the second with clean and fresh water.
Last but not least, you have to give them a lot of love, respect and trust. Play with him daily to keep them fit and healthy. Take time to understand their body language so that the bond that binds us is stronger.
In short, do everything possible to make them happy.
Espero que te haya servido .
Good morning, I am from Peru and my query is my kitten, this with the description that he gave of having worms and they are in the shape of rice and crushed today I saw him in his tail, is it contagious for humans? I worry because he sleeps in my children's room and when I leave him out in the living room in his bed he starts to urinate and tear the door, what should I do because of the pandemic, go to the vet, it's far from where I live and there isn't much mobility, what should I do? , I appreciate your answer, I read them.
Hi Jaqui.
Your kitten must take an antiparasitic to eliminate the parasites. But that drug can only be given by a veterinarian since there are many types, depending on the type of parasite. It is not necessary to take the animal to the vet, since the professional only with the description will know what to give (these pest problems are common in felines).
For now, it is best that you do not sleep with the children, until you take the medicine. Usually it is not serious, but it is something that must be controlled, giving it something - I insist, prescribed by a professional - every so often to eliminate and / or repel worms.
Cheer up.