Am I ready to have a cat?

Find out if you are ready to have a cat

When we intend to adopt a cat, one of the first things we have to ask ourselves is whether or not we are really ready to live with an animal that can live an average of 20 years. And it is that, during all that time, you will need a series of basic care, and I do not mean only the most obvious ones like water and food, but also veterinary attention and a lot of love.

We can never stop remembering that it is a living being that, like any of us, can become ill at any moment, or can have an accident as soon as we least expect it. For all this, It is very important that, before doing anything, we ask ourselves if I am ready to have a cat.

How is the cat?

Play with your teenage cat

The cat is an animal that, although it is obvious, is not the same as a dog. The dog is a furry dog ​​that will always be aware of what its family does, because it depends on it to be happy and, for that reason, it will do whatever it takes to always please it. Not a cat (with exceptions, of course).

The feline has a different character. In fact, He's only going to approach us when he's really comfortable, and he will only wait for us behind the door when we manage to have a very strong friendship relationship, not before. If we force you to do something you don't want to do, even just once, we will have to work very hard to regain your confidence.

What care do you need?


Give your cat a fountain-type drinker to drink more water

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The cat is a carnivore, which means that it has to eat meat. Starting from this, We can give you or feed (croquettes) that contain a minimum of 70% meat, or homemade food (without bones, thorns, or vegetables) from two months of age. Before you should drink breast milk or replacement milk, which we will find in veterinary clinics and pet stores.

Also, you should know that he is not a heavy drinker. Being originally from the desert, it obtains much of the water it needs from its food, so whenever possible it will be more advisable to give him cans (wet food) or homemade food before I think dry. In the case of not being able, what we can do is buy a drinking fountain for cats.


The cat spends many hours sleeping, an average of 14-16 hours, but not in a row. What he does is take several naps throughout the day. In the moments when he is awake, he drinks, eats, relieves himself and plays, or rather, he wants to play. We can give you a cat toy, but if we don't play with him, chances are that after a few minutes he will get bored with him.

We, as your caregivers, we have to spend time with himWe have to catch a ball and throw it to him so that he goes to look for it, or take a rope and move it so that he tries to catch it. It is our duty, as his family that we are, to make sure he is happy, and he will not be if we leave him alone all day, or if we ignore him.

Veterinary care

Take your cat to the vet whenever he needs it

Just as important as giving him food and water is taking him to the vet whenever he needs it. During the first year it is necessary to take him to receive the vaccines, the microchip and, at 5-6 months, to have it castrate. This way, our new friend will have a better chance of having a long life, something that will undoubtedly make us happy.

From the second year on, you have to take him for an annual booster shot. But also, if at any time he has an accident or we see that he is unwell, we will have to take him to be examined and given the most appropriate treatment. We never have to self-medicatebecause we could worsen your health and put your life at risk.

Parasite control

Whether you are never going to leave the house or if on the contrary you are going to have permission to go for a walk, it is very necessary to put an antiparasitic, which can be: necklace, pipette or spray. Whatever product we use, we must do so following the instructions specified on the package. And, although again it is logical, we have to make sure that they are suitable for cats. Dog dewormers are toxic to felines. Also, you should never use permethrin, as they could be fatal for our furry. In case they do not convince us much, the ideal would be to use homemade antiparasitics.

Protective measures at home

The cat is very curious, so much so that it is not surprising that from time to time he gets into trouble. To avoid it, you have to take a series of measures, which are:

  • Keep all sharp objects, as well as glass and those that are small, such as thumbtacks or nails.
  • Keep doors and windows closed. In pet stores we can buy protective fabrics for cats that we will place on the windows and prevent them from coming out.
  • Keep cleaning products and cleaning products out of the reach and sight of the cat. toxic plants.
  • Protect cables with cardboard or drip irrigation pipes.

Affection and company

It is the last thing on this list, but it is not the least important for that; Moreover, without this, everything else could not be given. A cat needs affection, but not a few weeks but every day of his life. Only if we are able to show him how much we care, on a daily basis, can we be prepared to live with one.

Lovely Toyger cat with a human

All in all, I hope this article has been useful to you in determining whether or not you are ready to have a cat. 

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