Do cats have emotions? Discover your feline's emotional world

  • Cats feel emotions such as happiness, sadness and fear.
  • The bond between cats and humans can be similar to that of children with their parents.
  • Cats sense our emotions and adapt their behavior to our state.

Cats have emotions

Based on feline physiology, it is likely to be assumed that cats can feel emotions. Cats are mammals and, like humans, They have brain structures that allow them to experience different emotional states.

Although we cannot know exactly what they think or feel, evidence suggests that their emotional capacity is much richer than previously believed.

Do cats feel emotions the same way humans do?

Over the years, various studies have shed light on how cats experience emotions. While humans tend to associate feelings with our memories and reflections, Cats seem to respond in a more immediate way and based purely on their present experiences.This means that although they can feel emotions such as fear, happiness or sadness, they do not necessarily have the ability to reflect on these emotions as a human being would.

Wayne Hunthausen, an animal behaviorist, says that cats feel emotions in a similar way to humans. He firmly believes that this emotional capacity allows them to react to different situations with affective responses. However, Hunthausen acknowledges that We cannot say with absolute certainty whether their responses are based purely on what they feel or on instinctive behaviors. that we have learned to interpret as emotions.

cat showing feelings

According to Carole Wilbourn, a therapist specializing in felines, cats They can express different moods such as happiness, sadness or anger.Wilbourn mentions that cats act according to how they feel at a given moment, which shows that these animals express their emotions through their behavior, which includes subtle gestures such as purring or rubbing against our legs.

Differences between emotions and feelings in cats

An important distinction is to differentiate between “emotions” and “feelings” in cats. According to various scientific studies, Emotions in cats are neurochemical and hormonal responses that occur in response to certain external or internal stimuli.For example, a cat that meets a dog may feel fear as an instinctive response, based on the evolution of its ancestors. These emotions are immediate and do not require conscious reflection.

On the other hand, feelings, at least in humans, are the result of a conscious and reflective evaluation of emotions. While it is not clear whether cats have a level of consciousness similar to that of humans, It is evident that these animals have the ability to learn from their experiences and modify their behavior according to the situations experienced., suggesting a more sophisticated form of emotional management.

However, there is no conclusive evidence that cats possess self-awareness, and so while they can feel powerful emotions such as fear or joy, They are unlikely to experience complex feelings such as shame or guilt as a human being would.

Do cats have feelings for their owners?

Cats have feelings and emotions

The emotional bond between cats and their owners has been the subject of numerous studies. John Bradshaw, a feline behavior expert at the University of Bristol, argues that Cats see their owners as feline companions.Although dogs change their behavior depending on who they interact with, cats tend to behave the same way with other cats as they do with humans.

Signs such as raising their tails, purring or rubbing against our legs are behaviours that cats also show towards other cats in their social group, showing that they consider us part of their "pack". In addition, It has been observed that cats that have developed a strong bond with their owners exhibit behaviors similar to those of children with their parents., being able to seek comfort and security in their company.

El study A study conducted by Dr. Kristyn Vitale of the University of Oregon showed that 68,6% of the cats tested showed what is known as a “secure attachment” to their owners, meaning that these felines feel calm and safe when they are near them. This suggests that Cats do develop a form of affection towards humans, although not exactly the same kind as that experienced by humans with each other.

Do cats miss us when we are away?

As in humans, A cat's routine and environment are essential for its emotional stability.Cats can form strong bonds with their owners to the point that some felines suffer from separation anxiety when their caregivers are absent for long periods.

A cat that is attached to its owner may show signs of stress when the owner is not at home., such as stopping eating, urinating outside the litter box or excessive meowing. In the most extreme cases, some cats may become depressed if they are abandoned, leading them to stop eating or drinking, seriously affecting their health.

It is important to keep in mind that each cat is different and their reactions to the absence of their owners may vary. While some cats hardly seem to notice our absence, others may suffer deeply. The key is to understand our feline's temperament and provide an enriched environment that allows him to feel safe and entertained even when we are not present.

A calm cat with his human

How do cats perceive our emotions?

One of the most interesting aspects of the relationship between humans and cats is how they are able to perceive our emotions. Cats are extremely observant and have developed a great ability to read our body language. and react to it.

Studies such as the one carried out by the Oakland University in Michigan have shown that cats They can adapt their behavior according to the emotional state of their owners.If we are sad or stressed, our cat is likely to come closer to comfort us, while if we are energetic and happy, our cat may be more willing to play or interact.

We should not underestimate the sensitivity of cats in this regard. Although they do not have a completely human understanding of our emotions, They pay attention to our facial expressions, our voice and our behavior, and react accordingly.In fact, some cats may show changes in their behavior when they detect that their owner is sick or anxious.

Therefore, If you're feeling sad or stressed, don't be surprised if your cat seems to be moving closer to you. Although he may not fully understand what you are feeling, he seems to have an innate ability to provide you with comfort in these moments.

Our knowledge of cat emotions has advanced significantly in recent years. Although they don't feel the same way we do, their emotional reactions and the way they relate to us reveal a fascinating and nuanced inner world. As owners, It is our responsibility to observe and understand their emotional signals to further strengthen our relationship with them.

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      Mosque said

    It is important to consider the differences between "feeling" and "emotion."

      mimi said

    I have to travel and I will leave my kitten with the neighbor I am going to miss her and she will miss me poor thing I am going to an apartment and I think she will not get used to it

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Mimi.
      Do not worry. Cats quickly get used to a new home. Tell your neighbor to spend time with her, to play with her, to love her, and that way it will be much easier for her to adapt to her new situation.
      A greeting.

      Carmen Maria said

    Ola I have a kitten barely 1 year old, the truth is that he left the house and was taken away for 4 days, we looked for him tomorrow and afternoon and nothing. This morning he appeared completely healthy and very clean to have this 4 days lost. Anyway, thank God he's perfectly fine. The issue is that he appeared around 6 in the morning and wouldn't stop meowing or crying, I don't know, I had to lie down on the couch and he came with me, he relaxed and He fell asleep. Hay showed me how much he had missed me. They are incredible beings who teach us every day.

         Monica sanchez said

      Very true, Carmen. They have feelings and they show us day by day 🙂.

      Marisol said

    Hello, I gave a friend a kitten because hers appeared dead .. he is two months old, does he think he will miss his mother and brothers ??? I feel very bad thinking that I will miss ..

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello marisol.
      Yes, it is likely that I will miss you. But it will only be a few days, maybe weeks. It will end up happening to him 😉
      A greeting.

           Marisol said

        Thank you very much for your answer ... I feel very bad because he and his mother go looking for him, they break my heart ... I love my kittens with my life .. sorry but that's what I feel .. :-)

             Monica sanchez said

          You don't have to apologize for that. I wish we all respected cats. A hug, and do not worry about the kitten: he will pass 🙂.

      Edwin said

    I have a two-month-old kitten that I found it, I already have it for a week it is very playful but I will have to travel now I do not know what to do

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Edwin.
      You can leave it at home and ask someone to feed it, a friend or family member.
      If it is a few days (2-3) leave enough food. Nothing will happen to him.
      A greeting.

      Juan Aguilar said

    Some veterinarians have a lodging service.