5 myths about cats

Black cat

Throughout the history of the human-cat relationship we have "created" numerous myths about cats, sometimes because we could not understand their behavior, or because we marveled at their secrets. Secrets that, by the way, today we are only beginning to understand. And it is that cats have hardly changed in the last 4 thousand years, which was when they began to be domesticated; Instead, Homo sapiens has gone from living in the middle of nature to increasingly modernized cities.

In Noti Gatos we are going to review the 5 most common myths about cats. Don't miss it  .

1.- Black cats attract bad luck

Something that is completely false. Have good or bad luck It will not depend on the color of the cat's hair; What's more, the furry itself can help you to be much happier, regardless of what color it is.

2.- If you are pregnant, you must get rid of the cat

No way. Pregnant women can live perfectly with their cat, without having to worry about toxoplasmosis. This is a disease that can be spread if a person touches feline feces directly with their hand (without gloves), and it would only be infected if the animal had the virus in its body. But in addition, you should also know that you can get infected by eating raw meat.

When in doubt, you can always ask to have your cat tested. But even if it tests positive, you can be put into treatment to heal. There is no need to get rid of it.

3.- Cats come at night

The truth is that yes, and much better than us. This is because they are nocturnal animals, so their eyes are specially designed to distinguish the movement of their possible prey when the sun goes down. Thus, feline eyes can see up to 6 times better than us at night.

4.- Cats have seven lives

It's false. All living beings have only one life. What does happen is that they are very agile, and on many occasions they come out of conflicts gracefully. But not always.

5.- Cats always land on their feet

No, not always. The cat must have enough time to turn around, otherwise, can lead to very serious injuries. For more information, Click here.

Adult cat

Do you know any other myths about cats?

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